5 Most Common Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth

Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth, Extraction, and Removal

Wisdom teethes can be extremely painful. It can feel as painful as the breakage of a bone or a hit in the head. So painful that it makes you forget the most unbearable pain a person has ever endured. There are plenty of symptoms of wisdom teeth but majorly you can distinguish it from swollen gum and irritation.

For some people, they may be far more uncomfortable than painful. What are wisdom teeth, and why do people get them at such a late age?

The blog walks you through how pain can be relieved, the benefits of extraction, and signs that the discomfort comes from wisdom rather than a regular tooth.

5 Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth:

Essentially, molar teeth and wisdom develop between 18 and 30. They develop at a variety of paces.

However, approximately 80% of individuals experience wisdom tooth development in their late teens or early 20s. The 32 teeth are completed by wisdom teeth, which develop at the back of the jaw.

When they are not allowed to develop normally and are taken apart, they are likely to cause significantly more discomfort. When they begin to push your entire jaw, you feel discomfort.

The following are the most common symptoms people experience while their wisdom teeth grow. If these are not the symptoms you are experiencing, you know it is not wisdom teeth.

1. Discomfort in Gum:

Wisdom teeth erupt at the end of the gums. Due to this, they need more room to expand. To create a room, they try to push the other teeth, which causes the person great pain. Besides, due to limited space, they grow in a pointier shape which causes the individual more pain and discomfort.

2. Jaw pain:

In regular teeth, painful jaws do not hurt. It is, however, a significant symptom of wisdom teeth. As the teeth are half-grown and don’t have enough room to grow, it causes great pain to the jaw. One can also feel the stiffness and swelling in the jaw due to the wisdom teeth growth.

3. Swollen gum:

If wisdom tooth development is not promptly checked, infection will develop. A bacterial infection named pericoronitis is formed as a result of gum inflammation. Therefore, it is vital to exercise caution and seek expert assistance as soon as the gum swells.

4. Sinus Cavity:

Wisdom teeth take place at the end of the gum. If anyone’s wisdom teeth start to grow in the upper body, then it can lead to a sinus cavity. One feel pain because of sinus cavity when wisdom teeth get too close to the sinuses behind your nose.

As a result of this, one can feel extreme headaches and timely migraine attacks due to the growing pain.

5. Natural removal of wisdom teeth:

Natural removal of wisdom teeth is a widespread myth. This has no basis in reality. Wisdom teeth are third molar teeth that develop in adulthood. Furthermore, they are just like our normal teeth. They are only extracted because they cannot grow enough space for themselves and causes discomfort to the individuals due to half growth or pointy edges.

Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth

How vital is wisdom teeth extraction?

If there are visible symptoms of wisdom teeth, one must consult professionals. Only in rare cases it is advised that one can live with their wisdom teeth as they are properly grown with enough room to take place. The tooth extraction only take places due to poor growth and discomfort.

Wisdom teeth extraction is a surgical procedure that takes one to two hours. Additionally, wisdom teeth removal only takes places when there is discomfort and pain. For instance, wisdom teeth can lead to gum infections and dental decay.

How painful is wisdom tooth extraction?

Dentists are very aware of the uncomfortable and painful wisdom teeth. It is the reason why the treatment is done by numbing the gum’s side area. After numbing, patients describe the pain as feeling slightly pinched.

However, some patients may have some pain following the surgery. But for that, doctors often prescribe painkillers like paracetamol. A few consultants will also recommend antibiotics if the gum infection has worsened to heal the gum and treat the infection.


Can wisdom teeth be removed naturally?

No, it’s impossible. When it comes to wisdom tooth erection, there are no ifs or buts. It is essential to consult a dentist for the removal of wisdom teeth.

How to relieve wisdom teeth pain?

Wisdom pain is not less than any medical emergency. Therefore, one must consult their dentist to have it immediately removed if there are any delays due to any complications in the removal appointment.

Secondly, rinsing your teeth with lukewarm salt water also helps with relieving the pain. You can rinse your teeth every two hours for instant relief.

Do wisdom teeth grow sideways?

There are at least four wisdom teeth, two of which emerges at the gum’s upper body, and the other two are either sideways or at the gum’s tip. However, most people tend to have sideways growth.

What does wisdom teeth pain feel like?

It is difficult to describe the pain precisely. Toothaches are typically the most unbearable kind of pain. Imagine experiencing discomfort from the pressure of the wisdom teeth in all of your teeth at once.

Is fever also a symptom of wisdom teeth?

It is, indeed. There are many other symptoms of wisdom teeth in addition to those mentioned above. Due to individual differences, every person will experience pain and outcomes differently.

How long a wisdom teeth erection takes to heal/recover?

If taken proper care of. The recovery is pretty quick, however it takes 12 to 14 days

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