Unsaid Or Hidden Rules Of A Romantic Relationship

‘Love’ is a four-letter word with so much more behind it, including a list of things that couples should never do to their significant other whether they have been in a long-term relationship for long or are still getting into a new one. In a relationship, we often develop rules and set limits but there are some things that are never spoken yet inherently apply to the relationship.

Few can understand that our partner is nothing but a mirror to us as the things that we both like and dislike about each other are actually the things deep within that we actually feel about ourself. Assimilating and integrating these well, brings about much wholesomeness, intimacy and healing in real, loving partnerships.

She adds, “Most men and women are in a relationship to embrace the other as a part of who they are, body gender notwithstanding. When you deny a man access to his emotions, or a woman permission to be glorious and visible, then the relationship tends to experience significant challenges. Instead, honour the other in yourself and allow your partner to do the same.”

Echoing the same, Life Coach Sheetal Shaparia elaborates, “In a relationship, we often develop rules and set limits but there are some things that are never spoken yet inherently apply to the relationship. One such unsaid rule in a relationship is that you must always keep your promises. We frequently make promises and then forget about them. It’s critical that you either honour your promises or don’t make them at all.”

Adding to the list, Sheetal revealed, “Loyalty is another such rule. It’s something no one says out loud, but everyone secretly hopes for from their partners. Last but not the least, never ask for what you are unable to provide. When you demand something from your spouse, you must be willing to reciprocate. Otherwise, there’s no use in expecting or even asking for the same from your partner.”

While communication and reciprocate everything in a romantic bond is integral, there are some things that are never spoken yet inherently apply to the relationship. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Jyotsna Ahuja, Founder of The White Space, advises, “Never underestimate the ability of one partner to step into the traditional role of the other partner – gender irrespective – if called upon to do just that.”

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