Try This Super Healthy Dessert Bounty Bliss Balls

Made with all the healthy ingredients from almond flour, coconut and jaggery, these blissful balls will delight your sweet tooth like never before.

Popular fitness trainer Yasmin Karachiwala shares the recipe of this super-healthy dessert Bounty Bliss Balls on her Instagram page.

Check out:-

Bounty Bliss Balls Recipe


2/3 cup Coconut Shreds

1/3 cup Almond flour

3 tbsp Coconut Yogurt

1 tbsp Jaggery Syrup

1/3 Tsp Salt

Melted Dark Chocolate


Add coconut shreds, almond flour, coconut yogurt, jaggery syrup and pinch of salt in a mixing bowl. Knead it all together.

Make round balls and place them in a mould or a plate. Put it in fridge for 20 mins.

Coat it with melted chocolate and put it in the fridge till it hardens.

Health benefits

Coconut are packed with nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins and antioxindants. They are a good source of copper and iron. However, eating too much coconut can increase your cholesterol levels. Jaggery on the other hand, improves digestion, aids in diabetes and boosts immunity. Almond flour is packed with vitamins and anti-oxidants and is a good source of magnesium, calcium, phosphorous etc.

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