How Do You Know If It’s Fat Or Loose Skin?

Loose Skin vs Fat - Major Differences KSHVID
Loose Skin vs Fat - Major Differences KSHVID

If you ask someone what causes a flabby-looking belly, you will surely get the answer that it is due to excess fat. However, other contributors to poor abdomen shape include hormonal change, no exercise, or more. Loose skin vs fat occurs around the arms, shoulders, thighs, and belly. On the other hand, fat is excess subcutaneous body fat that is different from loose skin.

This blog will differentiate the two and help you know how to tell loose skin vs. fat and how loose skin vs. fat can impact your body.

Often it is hard to differentiate between the two, but a simple test can differentiate the loose skin and fat. Continue reading to learn about them and how to differentiate loose skin and fat.

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What is Loose Skin?

Skin is the largest organ of the human body that can regenerate, which is why it also stretches and shrinks according to weight gain or weight loss.

Loose skin is the excess that stays with your body after weight loss or pregnancy. People who are overweight and rush to lose weight often end up with severely loose skin.

A graduation reduction in body weight with proper meal planning and exercise is the best option to prevent loose skin after weight loss.

What is Fat?

Fat is the excess subcutaneous body fat that is often soft and loose. If you have fat, you cannot pinch it off like the loose skin.

Subcutaneous fat often exists under your skin all over the body, unlike the loose skin that occurs at certain body parts.

Excess belly fat vs. loose skin can be burned with cardio, running, biking, swimming, and other high-intense activities.

Excess abdominal fat is not good for overall health and is often associated with cardiovascular disorders.

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Differences Between Fat and Loose Skin

Loose skin is the excess skin that occurs after significant weight loss or pregnancy. On the other hand, fat is a layer sitting underneath the skin.

One major difference between loose skin and fat is that the pinching of loose skin is possible, while it is impossible to grab and squeeze fat.

Another major difference between fat vs. loose skin is that the fat layer on your skin is droopy, while the loose skin is wrinkled.

Loose skin occurs due to weight loss, in which the excess subcutaneous body fat hangs around your body regions after reaching your target body weight.

It is another form of sagging resulting from declined collagen and elastin, giving stretchy skin.

Subcutaneous fat or loosened skin is often known as soft skin as it is readily mistaken for normal skin and takes a while to disappear after the weight loss journey.

In addition, loose skin can sometimes cause physical health problems such as repeated rashes which impacts emotional well-being. For more detail, you can also check to loosen skin vs. fat pictures to get a better idea.

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Causes of Loosen Skin:

Losing the skin can be for various reasons, from sudden body weight, age, or any genetic structure. Anyhow, here are a few causes of loosened skin:


One major reason of loosen skin on the belly is a recent delivery or c-section. Loose skin vs. fat stomach can be due to a recent pregnancy. Your body will likely experience a whole shift, including loose skin.

Sudden weight loss:

Loosen skin is often tied to sudden weight loss without monitoring your height and weight. Losing weight gradually is less likely to result in loose skin, while rapid weight loss frequently occurs in sagging skin.

Health issues:

Certain health conditions, such as diabetes and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, can cause a serious reduction in weight.

Moreover, other medical conditions such as a chronic disease, body weakness, or surgery can cause sudden weight loss, resulting in loose skin.

Bariatric surgery, including gastric bypass or other weight loss surgeries involving changes to your digestive system by weight loss, can also be the potential cause of losing skin.


If you’re over 40, you might lose a lot of weight for any medical condition or other reason. This is the period when you can experience loose skin.

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Causes of Excess Body Fat:

Body fat is either the excessive body mass index due to over-eating or other possible reasons like unusual eating or eating disorders. Furthermore, here we share a few more causes of excess body fat.


Excess body fat is usually associated with an elevated BMI. However, it can also occur due to various factors such as genetics, age, menopause, or other medical conditions. That being said, it is important to calculate your body mass index to get an idea about loose skin vs. fat.

Adipose tissue:

Subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) is the condition where this adipose tissue is found under your skin all over the body. Excess SAT occurs on the hips, buttocks, upper arms, and stomach.

It is much more likely to increase your risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. Often it can also contribute to depression and stress due to body image concerns tied along.

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How to tell the difference between loose skin vs. fat?

With a simple test named a pinch test, you can easily differentiate between the two.

How to lose belly fat in 2 weeks?

The best possible ways to lose belly fat in 2 weeks is to:

  • Daily walk for 40 minutes or more.
  • Do crunches daily.
  • Load up on proteins.
  • Increased water intake.
  • Eat fibers.
  • Avoid sugar items.
  • Reduce alcohol consumption.

How to avoid loose skin after weight loss?

Losing weight slowly is the best way to prevent loose skin. In addition, eating a balanced diet and quitting smoking protect your skin.

How to get rid of loose skin?

Certain ways to firm the loosened skin include exercising, using supplements, and firming creams. Apart from these, you can get the cosmetic surgery done.

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