5 Steps for Bleaching Honey Blonde Locs – Follow Tips

Honey Blonde Dreads Tips - 5 Steps for Bleaching Locs
5 Steps for Bleaching Honey Blonde Locs - Follow Tips

Bleaching the dreadlocks is another way to transform your look if you want to make them appear and feel different. However, bleaching the honey blonde dreads is tricky since the chemicals used can be hard on any hair type. Follow the steps to Bleaching honey blonde dreads tips!

Although professional bleach experiences are best, they will require a hefty amount. So, with the right products and patience, you can also bleach your honey-brown dreads at home.

To lighten the hair dread at home, be extra careful that the process is performed correctly and that your hair has been cared for afterward.

Continue reading to learn how to dye black dreads with blonde tips at home. This blog will share a step-by-step guide about the hair dye process and more.

Dye Honey Blonde Dread Tips with Bleach

Going from black to blonde requires bleaching the hair to attain the right shade. In this blog, we will thoroughly guide you about safe how-to bleaching methods with minimal damage.

Before starting the bleaching process, we recommend getting an oil treatment at home that will surely hydrate the dreads.

In addition, get the low-level developer that will help get the right blonde shade. Add coconut or other oil to your mixture to prevent unnecessary breakage and hair drying.

The key to achieving the black dreads with blond tips with bleaching is to monitor the process thoroughly and use a toner to eliminate any brassiness in time.

Here we share some prerequisites you must consider before starting the bleaching process. Let’s have a glance at honey blonde dreads tips:

1: Look at your locs

First of all, you need to do one thing, that is to examine your locs.

Start by looking into your dread’s structure and thickness to see if it can handle the harsh chemicals used for the dyeing process. If you think your locs feel dry, like brittle hair strands, you should avoid the process.

In addition, make sure that your locs are mature enough before you bleach them.

The bleaching process uses several harsh ingredients and involves vigorous washing, so make sure your locs are ready.

2: Moisturize

Before you begin, add a few moisturizing products to your hair care regime. It can be natural hair oil, cream moisturizer, moisturizing spray and hair butter.

Bleaching dries out the hair, so the healthier and stronger they become before you start, the better.

3: Patch test

One more thing that you must consider before applying bleach to your locs is to perform a patch test. It involves mixing the bleach and developer and its application to a small skin patch.

Then, leave it for some time and wash it off. Meanwhile, monitor your skin to see if it reacts to the bleach in the form of an allergic reaction, inflammation, or redness for the next 24 hours.

If there is no reaction, you can safely proceed with the process.

Supplies for Bleaching Honey Blonde Locs on Black Dreads

Once you have decided to bleach the black dreads, ensure you have all the major supplies in hand before starting the process. Try to follow the process written on the bleach kit.

If you are unaware of all the supplies, here is the product breakdown you must have before taking the first step.

  1. Bleach and developer kit
  2. A pair of gloves
  3. Applicator brushes
  4. Non-metal bowl
  5. Aluminum foil
  6. Hair clips
  7. Plastic shower cap
  8. Petroleum jelly
  9. Old towel
  10. Shampoo
  11. Conditioner
  12. Toner

Steps for Bleaching Honey Blonde Locs

A few steps must be followed for the bleaching process to achieve the best results for ash blonde locs.

The honey blonde locs on dark skin can be achieved using the same steps as for other skin types and tones. Here is the step-wise guide for you all to perform bleaching at home.

1: Prepare your space

Gather all the essential supplies for bleaching your dreads and prepare your space timely. It is one of the important steps to ensure that you have space and less mess to clean when you are done.

Using the bathroom for bleaching is a good space as it has a mirror and sink. Make sure all your products are in your access by hand.

2: Mix ingredients

The next step in the bleaching process is mixing the ingredients, including bleach powder and the developer. Use a non-metal bowl to mix them well.

Remember to wear your gloves before you begin. Mix one packet of bleach powder with 2 ounces of developer.

3: Application

Make some sections of your hair so that the bleach is applied easily. Separate the hair into 4-6 sections and put a clip or tie around each section.

Apply the barrier cream or petroleum jelly on the skin near the hair to avoid getting it dyed. Use the application brush to coat the hair with bleach.

Start with one of the bottom sections of hair and move upwards. Keep in mind which hair dreads you want to get honey brown blonde tips.

4: Covering

Cover the hair with aluminum foil if you want. Although this step is unnecessary, it will help trap the heat and speed up the bleaching process for honey blonde dreads on light skin.

Further, cover your hair with a shower cap to keep the dreads heated and moisturized for a long. Leave it for 20 to 30 minutes.

5: Rinse

The last step is to rinse the dreads. Once the bleach has been done, this is the time to remove the aluminum foils and the shower cap. Rinse the bleach from your hair.

Next, shampoo your locs and use a deep conditioner to retain the moisture. Allow your locs to dry completely in the air.


How do you keep blonde dreads?

Choose the hair shampoo and the conditioner that will not mess up your hair color and will not drain it with every wash. This way, you can retain the color on your locs for a long.

How long should bleach sit on locs?

The bleach must sit on the locs for almost 20 to 30 minutes to achieve the best results. Use aluminum foils and a shower cap to trap the heat and moisture for better results.

What’s the best dye for dreads?

A natural dye called Henna is the best dye that causes no damage to the locs and is very natural. Moreover, it contains the natural properties of hair conditioning and straightening.

How do you fix hot roots on dreads?

There are several techniques to fix the hot roots of the dreads, such as palm rolling, retwisting, crochet and more. Use any technique that goes well with your dread roots.

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