Does collagen make you gain weight?

does collagen make you gain weight

With the available weight loss supplements in the market, there is a myth linked that certain supplements help you gain weight as they fasten your metabolic rate. Likewise, does collagen make you gain weight? Let’s dig into the details.

With weight gain being very personal and certain for many individuals, you might wonder if collagen supplementation causes a gain in weight. Weight gain is more about energy balance and metabolism and not only about supplements. Let’s first discover what collagen is.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is an essential protein produced by the human body. In its deficiency, you can also take this in the supplement form.

Collagen is an important part of the human body, including the bones, joints, cartilage, nails, etc. Dermis in the skin is made up of blood vessels, nerves, and hair follicles that are made with collagen protein.

What is Collagen

It is responsible for regulating body heat and protecting vital organs. Collagen makes up about 1/3rd part of the total proteins in the human body.

As the human body ages, collagen production reduces gradually. It results in aging symptoms such as weakened muscles, rough skin, stiff tendons, and joint pain. Hence, it is necessary to take collagen supplements from an early age.

Does Collagen Make You Fat?

One frequently asked question is: Do collagen supplements add to body weight? The simplest answer to this question is that not taking collagen doesn’t cause weight gain or add to the body fat.

The only thing that adds to your body weight is consumption of excess calories than you can easily burn. Collagen doesn’t contain too many calories.

Does Collagen Make You Fat

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Each pack of collagen supplements contains 35-50 calories per 10 ml serving. Collagen acts as a glue and keeps the body’s organs functional for a long. Collagen is a protein that helps you build muscles which play a vital role in the energy that we burn at rest.

Keep in mind that meeting your body’s needs for the essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and proteins wither through food or supplements, make sure they are in conjugation with energy needs.

It can be very helpful to consult a nutritionist before starting a supplement and getting a personalized diet plan to meet your body requirements and health goals.

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Collagen and Body Weight:

Collagen is an essential protein scientifically proven to help people feel fuller. Hydrolyzed collagen in the form of gelatin stimulates the satiety hormones in the human body, which reduce appetite.

So, if you are taking collagen as a supplement, know that instead of weight gain, collagen supplements suppress weight and reduce snacking.

Furthermore, collagen is found beneficial in the weight loss journey as, unlike other products, collagen contains no fillers, hormones, acids, or chemical sweeteners that add to the body weight. Collagen has no cholesterol that will help you gain weight.

Collagen and Body Weight

Instead, collagen has to go through many filtrations and other steps that result in only collagen peptides. Hence, it makes no sense that collagen helps you gain weight in any way.

Apart from supplement intake, many other factors contribute to the unwanted weight increase. One of the major factors that lead to weight gain is craving foods typically containing more calories.

Eating healthy protein in the form of collagen supplements will help satisfy your cravings and help you with stable energy, contributing to healthy weight management.

Other factors that can increase body weight include imbalanced hormones, fluid retention, or thyroids. So, if you think you start gaining weight for no obvious reason, consult your physician and find the deep root.

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Can Collagen Affect Your Weight in Any Way?

Collagen impacts body mass by contributing to your muscle build-up and weight loss efforts. Just like other proteins, collagen also triggers the production of hormones that make you feel full.

One of the advantages is that by taking a collagen supplement, you feel full for hours, and reduced appetite helps you with hunger pangs.

Moreover, within numerous studies, collagen is found to aid in fat loss. Due to its high protein concentration, collagen belly fat loss is helpful for people on a fat loss journey.

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Bottom line:

With weight management being the top goal for most individuals, collagen supplements make the best ingredient. It will not add to your weight in any way and will benefit your body organs. However, adequate supplement intake is important for overall health and weight management.

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Can collagen make you hungry?

Collagen supplements increase satiety feelings. In addition, it aids in management of calories during weight loss. Studies reveal that collagen doesn’t make you hungry. Instead, it aids in reducing hunger.

Can collagen increase your appetite?

Collagen supplements provides the feeling of fullness. This aids for weight loss and weight management by reducing hunger. It eventually helps with weight gain. So, no collagen supplement intake doesn’t increase the appetite.

Does collagen make you bloated?

Collagen can make you feel bloated at times as the proteins are made up of amino acids. You may face this symptom in the initial days as your body is not used to the amino acids.

Do collagen cause bloat and weight gain?

Collagen doesn’t add to the body weight, but you can feel bloating in the initial days of this collagen intake.

Do vital collagen protein make you gain weight?

No, there is no evidence of this news. Instead, collagen helps you with the weight loss journey with proper meal planning and regular exercise.

Does collagen cause cancer?

Collagen, a vital component of the tumor microenvironment, can promote cell growth and migration. So, it is important to consult your doctor before starting this supplement.

Does collagen make your face fat?

No. Collagen is what keeps your skin from sagging. So, collagen doesn’t make your face fat. Instead, it helps your skin look tightened and youthful.

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